Tag: Leadership

Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You

John C. Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You. Thomas Nelson, 2005. Sequel: Developing The Leaders Around You Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness Leadership Development Through Character Formation John Maxwell Leadership Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today.

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Maxwell, The Difference Maker

John C. Maxwell, The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset. Thomas Nelson, 2006. Referenced in the Following Ministry Resource Guides: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness John Maxwell Leadership Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists

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Maxwell, Talent is Never Enough

John C. Maxwell, Talent is Never Enough: Discover the Choices That Will Take You Beyond Your Talent. Thomas Nelson, 2007. Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness John Maxwell Leadership Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists

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Maxwell, Today Matters

John C. Maxwell, Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success. Center Street, 2005. Referenced in the Following Ministry Resource Guides: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness John Maxwell Leadership Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists

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Maxwell, Failing Forward

John C. Maxwell, Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones. Thomas Nelson, 2007. Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Failure and Setback John Maxwell Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists Maxwell’s writings under different categories: Inspiring Leadership

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Maxwell, Your Roadmap for Success

John C. Maxwell, Your Roadmap for Success: You Can Get There From Here. Thomas Nelson, 2006. Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness John Maxwell Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists Maxwell’s writings under different categories:

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Maxwell, The Five Levels of Leadership

John C. Maxwell, The Five Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential. Center Street, 2011. Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Life Effectiveness John Maxwell Library — Inspiring Leadership Empowering Leadership Brief Intro to Maxwell John Maxwell is perhaps the most widely-read author on leadership and life-effectiveness today. LifeandLeadership.com cross-lists Maxwell’s writings under different

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Robert Clinton Leadership Commentary Series

Robert Clinton Leadership Commentary Series Referenced in: Leadership Development, Robert Clinton Leadership Emergence Theory Introduction These books are a part of the extensive literature from J. Robert Clinton, originator of the Leadership Emergence Theory found in his landmark book, The Making of a Leader. The commentaries in the list below show how God used key

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Robert Clinton, Leadership Emergence Theory

Introduction Robert Clinton was a long time professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. Each of the following volumes explains a feature of his Leadership Emergence Theory (see Ministry Resource Guide on the subject). Six works either explain Clinton’s theory or present tools for helping leaders assess themselves in light of the theory. The Making of a

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Agosto, Servant Leadership

Efrain Agosto, Servant Leadership: Jesus & Paul. Chalice Press, 2005. Referenced in: Biblical and Spiritual Foundations of Leadership Pastoral Theology Servant Leadership LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a substantive theological work based on the author’s dissertation. Agosto considers the social situation surrounding Jesus and Paul, and how this influenced their interactions. He reflects liberation theology with

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