DISC Personality Styles, S – Steady

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The third letter in DISC Personality Test is “S” for the “Steady.” Below is a summary of the high “S” temperament.

Basic description – STEADY, Stable, Submissive, Security-Oriented, Sweet, Servant

Ancient Greek (Hippocrates) — “Phlegmatic”

Wilson Social Style — Amiable

Celebrity “S” Personalities (Past & Present) – Princess Diana, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Laura Bush, Mother Theresa

Emphasis – Cooperate with others to carry out the task

Strengths – Consistent and predictable performance, specialized skills, patient

Blind spots under pressure – Unsure, wishy-washy, awkward, possessive, insecure

Reserved – Quiet, unassuming, a kind, friendly presence on behalf of others

People-Oriented – Likes to associate with a familiar group of friendly, cooperative people

Conflict – Avoids it like the plague, accomodates, soothes, gives in, lenient, refrains from courses of action that make others unhappy

Slow-paced – Attentive the individual needs of people around them

Feelings and facts – Empathetically identifies with others feelings

Change – Secure, peaceful, happy status quo preferred over change, but can warm up slowly and help if change is well-directed and people-friendly

Group and individual – Prefer small, harmonious teams of quiet, peaceful specialists

Contributions – Stability, harmony, compatibility, security

***See the characteristics of other DISC Personalities – D Style, I Style, C Style***

DISC Profile, DISC Personality Test, DISC Test, DISC Assessment

DISC Profile, DISC Personality Test, DISC Test, DISC Assessment