Messner, Church Growth by Design

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Roe Messner, Church Growth By Design. Empire Group, 2003.

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Referenced in: Church Administration – Architecture and Building Issues Summary

Messner has designed and built more than 1,700 church buildings in 47 states. His book will resonate with those who hope to use a building as a tool for church growth, especially evangelical and conservative non-denominational congregations that need not facilitate liturgy or who are willing to consider multi-use facilities. It covers every conceivable area of the building or renovating process. A special strength is Messner’s ideas on how to save costs, plan energy needs, and design ahead of time for optimum maintenance. He also offers sage advice on standard concerns of building projects such as sound systems, recreational facilities, music, acoustics, parking, lighting, landscaping, capital campaigns, debt, building committees, working with architects and construction companies, and project publicity. It also includes several pages of worship center floor plans and interior/exterior views

From the Publisher

The information contained in this book is essential for every person involved in church growth and the expansion of God’s Kingdom. It’s author, Roe Messner, has built more churches than any person in history. Whether you are leading a congregation or a supporting member, this is a treasury of valuable insight, wisdom and data.

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