Tag: Leadership

Steinke, A Door Set Open

Peter L. Steinke, A Door Set Open: Grounding Change in Mission and Hope. Alban Institute, 2010. Referenced in: Adaptive Leadership Change Concepts and Theories Leadership and Emotional Systems, Self-Differentiation LifeandLeadership.com Summary Peter Steinke is among the best authors in the field of church leadership, especially in applying the emotional systems theory of Murray Bowen and

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Kotter, Leading Change

John P. Kotter, Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. Referenced in: Leading Change and Transition Leader-Manager Continuum LifeandLeadership.com Summary Kotter, noted former professor of organizational behavior at Harvard Business School, wrote this volume that is still recognized as the standard secular work on creating and sustaining major organizational change. All good books on congregational

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Quinn, Build the Bridge As You Walk On It

Robert E. Quinn, Build the Bridge As You Walk On It: A guide for Leading Change. Jossey-Bass, 2004. Prequel: Quinn, Deep Change Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Character Formation Creating Change Receptiveness, Overcoming Change Resistance LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a follow up to Quinn’s best-selling book, Deep Change. Not only does he tell the story

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Missional Church Leadership Strategies

MISSIONAL CHURCH LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES Includes the APEPT / APEST model Part of ministry resources on Missional Church Introduction First Read Overall Strategies for Transitioning Established Churches to Missional Strategies by Alan Roxburgh Strategies by Alan Hirsch, J. R. Woodward – APEPT/APEST Strategies by Craig Van Gelder Strategies by Eddie Gibbs Related Areas Introduction The Missional

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Leadership Approaches – Leading in Subordinate Roles

LEADING IN SUBORDINATE ROLES Part of the follow ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership Introduction Resources Special Focus on Associate Staff Roles Related Ministry Resources Introduction Often church leaders, though seemingly in positions of significant influence, actually wield that influence more through moral authority than positional authority. They must work through boards, multiple staffs,

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Leadership Approaches – Strengths-Based Leadership

STRENGTHS-BASED LEADERSHIP, STYLES-BASED LEADERSHIP Part of the following ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership. Leading According to Strengths Leading Outside of Strengths Leadership and DISC PROFILE Styles Leadership and StrengthsFinder Related Ministry Resources Leading According to Strengths Understanding one’s strengths to improve relationships and regulate weaknesses is crucial to leadership effectiveness. Many studies validate

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Leadership Approaches – Situational Leadership

SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP Part of the following ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership. Introduction Situational Leadership as Empowerment and Transformational Leadership Situational Leadership and Spiritual Leadership Ministry Resources for Spiritual Leadership Related Ministry Resources Introduction The concept of “Situational Leadership” was popularized by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey to provide a model for individualizing the

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Leadership Approaches – Shepherd Leadership

SHEPHERD LEADERSHIP Part of the following ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership. See also the closely related areas of Eldering and Pastoral Theology. Introduction Resources focused on Shepherd’s Identification With Followers Resources focused on Shepherd’s Organizational Leadership Related Ministry Resources Introduction One of the most important biblical metaphors of spiritual leadership is “shepherd.” It

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Leadership Approaches – Servant Leadership

SERVANT LEADERSHIP Part of the following ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership. Servant Leadership, Core Principles Can we Really Lead Like Jesus? Biblically-Based Resources on Servant Leadership Corporate Models of Servant Leadership Kenneth Blanchard on Servant Leadership Servant Leadership, Core Principles The core principles of servant leadership is that leaders serve others. The literature

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Leadership Approaches – Primal Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

PRIMAL LEADERSHIP, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Part of the following ministry resources: Christian Leadership, Empowerment, Transformational Leadership. See also the closely related fields: Leadership and Values, Feelings, and Intuition; Leadership and Emotional Systems, Self-Differentiation. Definition Biblical reflection Resources Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Systems Primal Leadership as Empowerment and Transformational Leadership Related Ministry Resources Definition Primal

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