Tag: Leadership

Sugerman, 8 Dimensions of Leadership, DISC Strategies

Jeffrey Sugerman, Mark Scullard, and Emma Wilhelm, The 8 Dimensions of Leadership: DISC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2011. Referenced in: Strengths-Based Leadership LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a guide to a helpful leadership profile based on Inscape model of the DISC personality assessment. The Inscape model is similar to the DISC Profile,

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Hickman, Mind of a Manager, Soul of a Leader

Craig R. Hickman, Mind of Manager, Soul of a Leader. John Wiley, 1992. Referenced in: Leader-Manager Continuum LifeandLeadership.com Summary Written for business and industry, Hickman addresses the natural tension between leaders and managers in 49 vignettes arranged according to six sections. These sections are: Management/Leadership Environments Competitive Strategy/Advantage Organizational Culture/Capability External/Internal Change Individual Effectiveness/Style Bottom

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Zenger and Folkman, The Extraordinary Leader

John H. Zenger and Joseph Folkman, The Extraordinary Leader: Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders. Second Revised Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. Referenced in: Strengths-Based Leadership LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a highly-recognized text based on the study of a large population of leaders (200,000-plus). It underscores that leadership can be learned. It is matter of

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Zaleznik, Leaders and Managers, The Managerial Mystique

Abraham Zaleznik, The Managerial Mystique. Harper and Row, 1989. digital download on Amazon. It was later expanded and included the book, The Managerial Mystique, which is pictured here. The summary is of the original essay. Referenced in: Leader-Manager Continuum LifeandLeadership.com Summary Leaders and Managers is a now famous article from the 1970s that is credited

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Shtogren, Skyhooks for Leadership

John Shtogren, Skyhooks for Leadership: A New Framework That Brings Together Five Decades of Thought—From Maslow to Senge. AMACOM, 1999. Referenced in: Leadership Theories and Approaches – Index LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a good overview of leadership theories. It may be overly ambitious in the attempt to bring together the best of each approach into

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Banks and Ledbetter, Reviewing Leadership

Robert Banks and Bernice Ledbetter, Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches. Baker Academic, 2004. Referenced in: Biblical and Spiritual Foundations of Leadership Leadership Approaches and Theories LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is a brief, helpful volume for those who would like to be able to put the plethora of leadership theories from the last century

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Bass Handbook of Leadership

Bernard M. Bass with Ruth Bass, The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications, Fourth Edition. Free Press, 2004. Referenced in: Leadership Theories and Approaches LifeandLeadership.com Summary This is the long-recognized standard academic textbook on leadership and management theory, now in its fourth edition. At more than 1,500 pages, it is the most

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Lussier, Leadership Theory, Application and Skill Development

Robert N. Lussier and Christopher F. Achua, Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development. Fourth Edition. South-Western College / Cengage Publications, 2009. Referenced in: Leadership Theories and Approaches LifeandLeadership.com Summary A rare find. Given the fact that most missional leaders have little to no exposure to leadership studies, this is a very accessible self-guided tool to

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Northouse, Introduction to Leadership

Peter G. Northouse, Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. Sage Publications, 2008.  Referenced in: Leadership Theories and Approaches LifeandLeadership.com Summary Northouse is a best-selling author in the field of leadership studies. Introduction to Leadership is an excellent guide to help leaders become more effective through self-assessment and interactive exercises. Another volume by Northouse, Leadership: Theory

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Northouse, Leadership Theory and Practice

Peter G. Northouse, Leadership Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition. Sage Publications, 2009. Referenced in: Leadership Theories and Approaches LifeandLeadership.com Summary Northouse is a best-selling author in the field of leadership studies, Leadership: Theory and Practice provides a thorough and readable overview of all major leadership theories. It is recognized as one of the most readable

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