Church Leadership Strategies, Ministry-Directed Vision Emergence

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Ministry-Directed Vision Emergence

Part of the ministry resources on Church Leadership and Renewal.

People-Directed Vision Emergence is a “serve up” approach to renewal for established churches that are highly suspect of strong vision leadership from one person. Established churches have unique features that require the vision process to progress indirectly as the people become outwardly focused, exercise their spiritual gifts in Christian ministry, out of which a vision “emerges” as people serve, thus “serve up.”

This method is not only useful for established conventional churches, but is also adaptable to missional and emergent churches, and as such is one of the most versatile approaches to congregational development.

One of the most most helpful ministry resources on this subject was written with the focus of renewing traditional churches:

Thom Rainer and Charles Lawless, Eating the Elephant: Leading the Established Church to Growth, Revised and Updated

This volume has been around for several years, and may be hard to find, but it is a gem. It is usually among my top suggestions for church leaders.

The tag, People-Directed Vision Emergence is used to distinguish it from Leader-Directed Vision Casting.

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