Using DISC Personality Test as a Tool for Personal Growth

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DISC Profile Helps You Play to Your Strengths

DISC Personality Test paints a positive strengths-based picture of your personality. Few of us are experts in motivating ourselves and others. But one thing we know with certainty: people flourish when we affirm their strengths and help steer them into areas where they can excel. There is so much negativity in our world. And our culture conveys so much information about dysfunction and psychological problems that people get confused about how to direct their efforts to grow and improve. Some of these concerns are legitimate, but far more often all we need to unlock the best in ourselves and others, or perhaps even overcome problems, is to tap into our positive potential. The DISC Test, while no panacea, is a good step in that direction.

DISC Profile Helps Minimize Your Blind Spots

DISC Personality Test sheds light and hope on the blind spots, revealing weaknesses in a constructive manner. All people have blind spots. In fact, blind spots are often strengths taken to an extreme. They should not be ignored. The philosophy behind the DISC Assessment is that while our strengths should carry us, our blind spots should also concern us.

It is easy for us to mistake blind spots for character flaws, when they may simply be natural behaviors that need proactive attention. For example, a high “D” person is naturally fast-paced and results-oriented. Probable blind spots are impatience and even anger toward slowness. An “S” person is naturally slow-paced and people-oriented. Potential blind spots are lack of initiative and over-sensitivity. Insights from the DISC Test help us to refrain from being overly critical of these tendencies in ourselves and others, and work toward more constructive development.

DISC Personality Test Helps You Understand What Makes You Tick and What Ticks You Off

DISC Profile helps us understand that people generally do what they do for themselves, not against others. The DISC Assessment reveals your natural bent. For example, “D” types are naturally daring and adventuresome. “I” types are very outgoing and colorful. “S” types are more quiet and content, and warm up more slowly to others, but once they find a good friend are very loyal and committed. “C” types show a lot of curiosity, and may pull off to themselves to figure out how things work. These are examples of what makes people “tick.”

Often, however, these differences are not understood or appreciated. A “D” person who values a competitive spirit will naturally warm up to others who are similar, but may also struggle with people who are quieter and less aggressive. A “S” or “C” person values quiet compliance and careful concentration and may misinterpret the easily distracted nature of an “I” person or the challenging tendencies of a “D” type. These are examples of what may “tick you off.”

DISC Test helps you affirm and appreciate yourself and others. It describes your unique characteristics and equips you to tailor your interaction to bring out the best in people who are different.

The DISC Profile is one of the most commonly used tools to help others understand themselves and set goals for personal growth and development.

You may also be interested in the next article on how DISC Personality Test helps enhance relationships.

DISC Profile, DISC Personality Test, DISC Test, DISC Assessment

DISC Profile, DISC Personality Test, DISC Test, DISC Assessment