Switzer, Pastoral Care Emergencies

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David K. Switzer, Pastoral Care Emergencies. Augsburg Fortress, 2000.

Referenced in: Pastoral Care

From the Publisher

David K. Switzer presents a clear, illustrative, practical manual for pastoral caregivers that covers the entire range of pastoral care emergencies typically faced by clergy, pastoral counselors, and lay caregivers such as Stephen Ministers and Befrienders. The chapters deal with such issues such as situational crises, hospital emergencies, ministry to the dying, bereavement, suicide, divorce, domestic violence, substance abuse, and psychiatric emergencies. The question of when and how to refer is discussed in the final chapter. The book is highly practical in approach, but still extremely sensitive to the theological issues at hand in ministering to those experiencing great emotional, mental, and physical distress.

About the Author

David K. Switzer is Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas. He is the author of Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families (Fortress Press, 1999) and Coming Out as Parents: You and Your Homosexual Child (1996).

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