Kollar, Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling

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Kollar, Charles Allen, Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling. Zondervan, 1997.

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Referenced in: Pastoral Counseling

From the Publisher

Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling introduces a fresh, effective, and time-saving approach that will benefit pastors overtaxed by counseling demands. Dr. Charles A. Kollar shows that counseling need not be long-term to produce dramatic results. In most cases, the solution lies with the counselees themselves. Pastors, apart from therapists, are well equipped to help the counselees discover it and put it in motion speedily and productively.

Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling shifts the emphasis from the problem to the strengths, vision, and practical solutions that lie within the individual. Stressing that God is already active in the counselee, Dr. Kollar first lays the theological and theoretical groundwork for short-term counseling. Then he shows how to apply theory to practical, short-term sessions that help people get back on track in their marriage, family living, and other aspects of life.

Kollar recognizes that there is a time to refer to a Christian specialist, but he warns against today’s ready-referral mindset. What is generally needed, he believes, is neither professional help nor long-term counseling, but a new paradigm based on Christian identity. Like “new wineskins,” Christians are fashioned not for the old wine of problem-oriented therapy, but the new wine of God’s life-changing grace.

About the Author

Dr. Charles Allen Kollar is a licensed professional counselor and the senior pastor of First Church of God, Virginia Beach, Virginia. He served as a United States Navy chaplain for ten years and is currently the director of On-Trac Ministries. He holds the D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary and the M.Div. from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Dawn, have three children.

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