Collins, Christian Counseling

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Gary R. Collins, Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide. Third Edition: Revised and Updated. Thomas Nelson, 2007.

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Reference in: Pastoral Counseling Summary

This is the classic in the field among evangelicals, from one of the founders of the Christian counseling movement. Collins integrates psychology with conservative theology. The revised edition incorporates updated research and gives attention to contemporary issues such as AIDS, eating disorders, homosexuality and violence. Sections of this text still seem a bit dated, but it is still one of the best introductory and comprehensive resources for Christian counseling.

From the Publisher

This proven guide in pastoral counseling has been extensively expanded and revised by the author to include recent developments and research, new resources, and attention to newly urgent needs such as AIDS, eating disorders, homosexuality, and violence. Written with clarity and sensitivity, this volume builds on biblical foundations and the best resources of professional psychology. It reflects the insights the author has gained from many years of Christian counseling.

New Sections include:

  • The Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues in Counseling
  • The Multicultural, Multiracial Issues in Counseling
  • Conflict and Relationships
  • Dealing with Death and Grief
  • Alcoholism and Other Substance Abuse
  • Crises and Trauma
  • Counseling and Terrorism
  • About the Author

    Dr. Gary R. Collins is a licensed psychologist with a Ph.D in clinical psychology from Purdue University. His other books include The Magnificent Mind, How to Be a People Helper, and Can You Trust Psychology?

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