Johnson, The Pastor’s Guide to Psychological Disorders

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W. Brad Johnson and William L. Johnson, The Pastor’s Guide to Psychological Disorders and Treatments. Haworth Pastoral Press, 2000.

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Referenced in: Pastoral Counseling Summary

Most ministers do not have sufficient background to understand the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), but still need good explanations of the major psychological disorders, maladaptive personalities, childhood issues (e.g. ADHD), etc. This tool fills that gap in an understandable and psychologically responsible manner. It defines most psychological disorders, and provides guidelines for selecting mental health professionals to work in tandem with pastoral care-giving. It describes all types of mental health practice (e.g. what is the difference between psychotherapy, family therapy, and addiction treatments?) and how to evaluate self-help books.

From the Publisher

Here is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference for pastors, priests, and non-Christian religious leaders who need assistance in recognizing prevalent psychiatric disorders and getting parishioners the help they need. Containing concise descriptions of the most common mental health treatments and resources, this book provides you with key indicators for recognizing illness, and recommendations for you on how to direct those affected. Complete with clinical examples to illustrate certain disorders, The Pastor’s Guide to Psychological Disorders and Treatments will raise your awareness of mental health issues in order to help the individuals in your church find appropriate and accurate mental health services.

About the Author

W. Brad Johnson is Professor of Psychology, Department of Leadership, Ethics, and Law, United States Naval Academy, and Faculty Associate, Graduate School of Business and Education, Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of The Elements of Mentoring (Palgrave, 2004).

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