Cunningham, Dear Church

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Sarah Cunningham, Dear Church: Letters from a Disillusioned Generation. Zondervan, 2006.

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Referenced in: Generational Issues in Churches Summary

This book, written by a twenty-something PK (preacher’s kid) who is disillusioned with the church, reads like a sensitive and frank conversation. It is the honest, rational discussion older people would love to have with her age group. This does not necessarily make it easy to hear. She calls it “a raw telling of how disillusionment has affected me and some in my generation,” allowing us to “hear things that people might be hesitant to say…in person.” (12) On the other hand, it is not pessimistic. The author’s “belief in the ideal of church – in God’s design for those who align themselves with him – is uncompromised.” She continues: “More than anything else on the planet, I want my world to shift their allegiance to Christ and to live in the fullness God intended for them.” And she insists “that what lies on the other side of disillusionment is a kind of wholeness, peace, and purpose.” Furthermore, it is not a self-righteous bashing. In the process of writing, she “had to dig for the maturity and wisdom to face my own questions, examine my own flaws, and review my own position before God and others.” (13)

The book is divided into three sections. Part One, “Introducing the Twentysomethings,” presents a narrative profile of the group. The second chapter, “A Fine-Looking Group,” is a great description of twentysomething characteristics. Part Two, “Introducing Disillusionment,” describes in the words of her generation the real reasons for their unhappiness. Part Three, Introducing Hope, offers a path for restoring belief and involvement.

This is an excellent book for those who 1) have been or are currently disillusioned with organized Christianity, or 2) leaders in local churches and organizations.

From the Publisher

Dear Church is a series of letters from a twenty-something to the global church she’s not always sure she wants to be a part of. The author’s story awakens the voice of a younger generation whose attendance in the church is dropping, yet she encourages the church that their Christian faith is still alive and well. In the end, Dear Church tells a story that will be familiar to every age group: the story of overcoming disillusionment and staying the course.

About the Author

Sarah Raymond Cunningham is a high school teacher, part-time college professor and chief diaper changer. She is a popular church and conference speaker, the author of Dear Church, and a contributor to several books, including unChristian. Sarah lives with her husband, Chuck their son, Justus, and their manic Jack Russell in Jackson, Michigan. They attend a church plant called Rivertree. Find out more at

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